Well today we learned how to pick the carrots from the stems. If you didnt pull them a correct way then the carrots got stuck in the ground and you had to wait a couple minutes to pull them with no stems on the end. So if you did that it was kinda harder. And why would u want to make things harder on yourself? We also learned how to cook with this celebrity chef person. I forget her name but she taught us how to deal with how much sugar you shoud have in a day and why it's not good to have a lot of sugar. We also baked cookies and crispy treats. Today was probably the hardest day as the work goes, but it was still worth it and I still learned a lot and I was glad I did it.
Written by Kahron
Today we also picked beets! We were told to pick the larger beets than the smaller ones. The reason we picked the bigger beets, was so that the smaller beets could grow into big beets. When we were done picking them, we went to the barn where we had to chop off the leaves of the beets. After we were done with that chore, the people who picked the carrots came up and everyone helped twist the carrot leaves off so only the carrots were left.We then came back to the garden building to eat lunch and enjoy an afternoon of cooking with a cook who has her own TV show!!!! We cooked 3 different things: a healthy rice crispy treat, oatmeal cherry cookies and jello. The cookies and the crispy treats were delicious.
Written by Hannah
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