On Wednesday we baked zucchini brownies and oatmeal raisin cookies. We split up into groups - one group did cookies, one group did brownies, one group did marketing. The marketing group made signs that said "Bake Sale" "Cookies" "Brownies." We also used words like organic, fresh, nutritious - we used those words because they're true, and because the people at the farmer's market and at the whole foods store would like those words. We cut up the brownies and cookies, put them in bags and labeled them. The labels listed the ingredients, the name of the product, and the symbol of Triskeles. Some of us sold the treats at the Mill at Anselma and some went to Kimberton Whole Foods. At the farmer's market, Zairre lured people into buying the product by having a script to say to people at the market. He targeted older people and people with kids because, "older people won't remember what they buy afterwards and kids like cookies and brownies, and the parents like the fact that they're healthy," according to Zairre. Business at the market was healthy. It was hard at first to go up to people and talk to them, but it got easier. We also had someone handing out samples - Megan and Eliana.
At Kimberton Whole Foods we set up at the back and front of the store - we had two stands. We put up signs and displayed the products on the table so that people would see what we were selling. Not very many people came because we were at the back of the store. The customers were mostly old ladies. We tried to say hello to customers at Whole Foods so that they would notice us. We made around $20. Both groups made about $50 total profit - but before we spend that, we have to decide on our expenses. Our expenses were ingredients. At the Whole Foods store, Jaryn got a bag of popcorn that was three feet long. Some of us loved selling, but some didn't.
This morning we picked onions and weeds at Kimberton. Mr. Mark's group stayed at the garden - they weeded the garden and picked basil and cut mint. We used the basil for our afternoon cooking. We also had to cut the ends off the onions to process them. Weeding was hard because some of the weeds were four feet tall. It was almost all weeds. We also found praying mantises - they jump and fight and pray and kill all the small insects that affect the plants.
This afternoon we cooked pesto -it was made with olive oil, cheese, basil, garlic, and pine nuts. We made one batch with a blender but then it broke, so we all used mortar and pestles to make our own batches of pesto. We made salad dressing - "Raspberry Matt" - raspberries, salt, olive oil, mustard, garlic, apple cider vinegar and blackberries and sugar. We also made "A Zillie" dressing - it was made out of the ingredients of Raspberry Matt, but without the berries and sugar. We made the dressing by hand and shook it up in glass jars. The third group made mayonnaise, but failed because they didn't drizzle the olive oil the right way. We ended up just with sauce that was made out of eggs and olive oil. Some people made mustard. When everything was made, we ate it on bread. Some people took it home with them.
Matt's final words about today are, "Can I go now? Chicken." ...he's crazy. We're looking forward to our field trip tomorrow.
Written by Group 1 - Zairre, Jaryn, Skyler, Matt and Alyssa
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