Well, it's over; and what a great day it was. After cooking for several hours with organic chef Lindsay Gilmour, we had a feast of vegetable frittata, watermelon and goat cheese salad, and braised potatoes to go with the desserts prepared yesterday. And, of course, Mr. Mason got the corn ready for grilling with our help.
The final evaluations were done, some cleaning up accomplished, and we headed off to Fellowship Farm. Their warm and wonderful staff took over and led us through A B C ball, Crossing the Acid Pit, and Scaling the 12 Foot Wall. We learned a lot about how we had grown and melded as a group while we worked together for a month.
After all had scaled the wall, we went to the pavilion with families, from infants to grandparents, and had a wonderful dinner, gave out certificates of completion for the FFT Crew of 08, a few final awards, heard a bit about Fellowship Farm, and had a warm ending to our four weeks of hard work. Ms. Susan and Ms Denise and Yvonne came along, as did Mr. Ed from Park Spring.
We expressed our thanks, and do so again here, to those who made this program possible. Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation - Evidenz Foundation - Helen Bader Foundation - Bard Foundation - Park Spring Apartments - Kimberton Waldorf School - Kimberton Whole Foods - Beneficial Bank - Waldorf Education Foundation - Dansko Foundation; many pieces came together to make the whole picture. Ms. Kate, Mr. Mason, Sankanac, Kimberton CSA, Charlestown Cooperative Farm, The Mill at Anselma, The Restaurant School, Ms. Cara, Ms. Sheri, Denise and Yvonne, Hobo Ed, and others--thank you all for helping us work and learn and grow for a month this summer.
We're glad for an opportunity to rest and catch up with everything, but sorry that it's over at the same time. Andre and Megan, helping with the final cleaning on Saturday, were asked what might be done to improve the program. Their first comment: it should be longer!
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